Do you like my pages? Have you ever thought your pages to be dull and lifeless? I am here to help you!:-) In the past few months, I've discovered that I love designing and remodelling web pages, and I'm willing to revamp or create your homepage free of charge. Graphics can be light, or intensive (like mine), and can be custom created for your page. Just tell me what you'd like done, and I shall design your homepage, complete with all the accessories: Guestbook,counter,forum,chat room,Java applets. When I've completed the page, you'll receive your page and all the relevant registations/passwords via e-mail. You can then change your passwords if you wish, and I'll no longer be able to change your pages. Or,you can engage me to do your page's updates.
I regret to announce that I am unable to accept any further requests for free page designs or original graphics. I simply haven't the time or the energy to fill the all the requests any longer...I am thoroughly flattered that so many of you enjoyed my designs and graphics as well as to keep contacting me. :-) However, the staff of the Relatively Useless Group is still working, and we will make exceptions for special friends, and also for users of Pow Wow. :-)
The Relatively Useless Group has gone professional with its design services. To learn about any of our services in greater detail, please send an e-mail to,,or shall get back to you with an answer to your question.
Our graphics sets may be purchased for exclusive commercial or private use for a fee of $30 per set. Upon sale of the set, we no longer retain any claim to the is completely yours to use as you so desire. Sets typically include a border background,dividers,balls,arrows,and a variety of buttons. Additional buttons can be created upon request. If you are looking for so